Inscrit au conseil de l’ordre CNOM n°adeli 06 1 08317 6
Conventionnée CPAM (secteur II) n°RPPS:10003298055
Prise en charge assurances privées, CFE et européennes
Accréditée par l’HAS
Assurance RCP cabinet Branchet

Votre chirurgien

Docteur Catherine Boursault-Hill

Specializing in reconstructive, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in Cannes, graduate of the European board in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery .

Attaché in post-bariatric surgery at the Antibes hospital.

Resident at Nice Hospital, at NIce Anti_cancer Center (CAL) and
CHUV Lausanne
Chief resident at Nice Hospital
and médecine university (anatomy)
Microsurgery diploma of Marseille CHU

Investigateur clinical research

Active member of:

EWAPS (european workshop in advanced plastic surgery)

EWAPS European Workshop organisation comittee

Founder member of the SACEP

Registered to the ” conseil de l’ordre des médecins” CNOM n°adeli 06 1 08317 6
Conventionned CPAM (secteur II) n°RPPS:10003298055
Managing private and foreign insurance and CFE (caisse des français de l’étranger)
Accredited to HAS
RCP cabinet Branchet insurance